Wednesday, January 6, 2010

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas...

Our December has been quite memorable! We experienced our first snow (a little scary to drive in!), had a quick visit home for Carnley Christmas, Peter finished his first final exams, I was officially hired onto 2C, I spent Christmas with my mom and sister in Georgia and we had visits from Peter's mom and his brother and family. Whew! What a month! Our first snow was very exciting. It was cold, Cold, COLD...but beautiful! It snowed all night while I was at work. I kept looking out the windows and wondering how on earth I was going to drive home!! I got plenty of tips from patients and coworkers: "if you start to skid DON'T hit your brakes", "if you spin turn INTO the spin", "don't drive fast!" I followed all the rules and made it home safely, but I drove past numerous wrecks and cars in ditches along the way. When I got home I was ready to sleep, but I did stay up long enough to take in the pretty scenes. Froo really enjoyed it!!The snow came the day before the Lessons and Carols service at All Saints Chapel. The campus was beautiful for all of the visitors to that special service. The next weekend we went home for Carnley Christmas. It was so nice to spend time with mom, Tory and our other friends and go to a service at Saint Chris's. Peter had to rush home because he had exams the following week. He did very well and was pleased with his first semester performance in seminary. When I returned from P'cola I had to work to make up for my time off, so Christmas kind of snuck up on us! A few days before Christmas I drove to Barnesville, GA to spend Christmas with mom, Jenny and Brad. We spent Christmas eve-eve with some of Jenny's friends at Callaway Gardens enjoying their Christmas light display. It was a chilly night, the lights were beautiful and the company was fabulous. Christmas eve was a relaxing day. We watched Christmas Classics and made our traditional Christmas eve dinner. Everyone woke up super early with me Christmas morning for gift exchange. I had to leave early to drive home so I could nap before working that evening. When I arrived home I had breakfast and gift exchange with Peter and Dottie. Peter gave me a really cool old chest from an antique store here on the mountain. I had my eye on it for a while, but was very surprised to receive it Christmas morning. I took a nap then it was time for work.

On Tuesday morning when I got off work I got to spend a little time with dad and Teresa. They spent Christmas in Gatlinburg and took a quick side trip to Sewanee to see where we live. It was a short visit, but I really enjoyed showing them our campus. As promised,'s the photo of the VW in the stained glass at All Saints:
We ended our holiday with a New Years visit from Ken, Andrea, Simon and Monica. We had a great time! We had gift exchange with the kids where Peter and I violated two child-gift rules. We gave Simon a noise making band set and Monica a stir fry play set with lots of pieces. After playing for a while (wooden kazoos are tough!) and discovering Andrea's hidden harmonica talents, Peter took everyone on the standard campus tour. Sunset is one of the best times to see the cross. We did get to add the park on our tour since we had babies to play in it. Monica LOVED the bumble bee swing! The family also got a chance to experience Sewanee Fog. It made our trip to the Natural Bridge really cool! While Monica slept thru the Natural Bridge walk, Simon got to try out his adventurous side by climbing down to the bottom and going into a cave with his dad and Uncle Peter. We spent a night in Chattanooga shopping and having BBQ and on New Year's Eve Peter made a fire in the yard and we roasted marshmallows. It was a great visit and we look forward to seeing them again soon.

As I mentioned at the beginning I have recently been hired permanently onto 2C. I am very excited about this opportunity and like having a department to call home. 2C is a very big, very busy general medical floor. The people are fun, welcoming and very supportive of "the new girl." I will finish my orientation period in a couple of weeks then will begin adjusting to my new work schedule, whatever that should be!

Peter has been working very hard this week to support the Senior Class as they take their GOE's. He has been getting groceries, helping to prepare daily lunches and getting ready to throw the big post GOE shin-dig on Friday. It's been a lot of work, but he loves this kind of stuff!

We are looking forward to the restart of classes and the return of our routines. A little warmer weather wouldn't hurt either!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a busy month! I cannot get enough of these pictures from the movie set. Just beautiful!
