Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So this is blogging...

Peter and I have been on the Mountain for about a month now and thought this might be an easy way to let everyone see what we are doing. He is attending Sewanee University School of Theology and I have just been hired as an RN at Middle Tennessee Medical Center. Peter spends his days in class and I spend mine exploring this quaint little town, meeting people and unpacking boxes.

Life on the Mountain is indescribable. It's beautiful, the people are friendly. It's almost like Mayberry but with a ton of undergrads and liquor. We live in a 3 bedroom duplex with our crotchety old poodle, Froo and our fat cat, Tweak. Our cat Loki moved up here with us as well, but she bailed after Tweak and I got here. We believe she is making it on her own with her mad hunting skills, but we would like it if she'd check in with us once in a while.

That's it for the first entry. I'll post again soon with some pictures of our place and some of the adventures that we have already had.